Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My Squeaky Bed: A Reminder to be Thankful

I'll be completely honest with you: yesterday was not a good day for me. I was short, snappy, and harsh with everyone. I didn't even have a good reason to be upset! I climbed into bed last night, still grouching. Let me tell you, my bed squeaks. A lot. Not loudly, but just enough to keep me awake. Sometimes it's hard to fall asleep no matter what side of the bed I'm on, because of all the creaks and screechiness. As I was laying there complaining about my creaking bed, the reason I was so irritable all day finally clicked:
   I wasn't being thankful.
That may sound too "simple," but really, being thankful can make a BIG difference. Especially when you are thankful for the things that bug you. Right away, I prayed out loud, "Lord, thank you for my squeaky bed, because I'm not sleeping on a dirt floor." Then I listed off some other things that I daily take for granted.
  Today, my focus was to be thankful, and it really helped my attitude. Here's just a few things from my list...

Today, I am thankful for:

  • warm socks
  • sweaters
  • wax for my braces (because without it, I'd be pretty miserable.)
  • a heating system in the house that WORKS
  • the U.S. postal service
  • running cars
  • personal health/well-being
  • milk
  • my wonderful (albeit loud) siblings
  • I don't have to worry about bomb-raids at night
  • hot cocoa
  • my cat, Franklin
  • a dishwasher!!!
  • hot soup
  • my copy of The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • books
  • the fact that I have the right to learn in this country, even though I am a girl
  • grace from God, that yesterday's mistakes do not dictate today's joy
  • friends that encourage me to walk uprightly and to love the Lord
And last but foremost: MY REDEEMER LIVES! That is the best and often the last thing on our minds to be thankful for! 
  I also found this video from Messy Mondays to be a funny, yet very convicting and helpful clip!

So go ahead, I dare you-- Write down a list of things that bug you, and find a way to be thankful for them! Feel free to comment below with some of them too!


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