I wasn't being thankful.
That may sound too "simple," but really, being thankful can make a BIG difference. Especially when you are thankful for the things that bug you. Right away, I prayed out loud, "Lord, thank you for my squeaky bed, because I'm not sleeping on a dirt floor." Then I listed off some other things that I daily take for granted.
Today, my focus was to be thankful, and it really helped my attitude. Here's just a few things from my list...
Today, I am thankful for:
- warm socks
- sweaters
- wax for my braces (because without it, I'd be pretty miserable.)
- a heating system in the house that WORKS
- the U.S. postal service
- running cars
- personal health/well-being
- milk
- my wonderful (albeit loud) siblings
- I don't have to worry about bomb-raids at night
- hot cocoa
- my cat, Franklin
- a dishwasher!!!
- hot soup
- my copy of The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- books
- the fact that I have the right to learn in this country, even though I am a girl
- grace from God, that yesterday's mistakes do not dictate today's joy
- friends that encourage me to walk uprightly and to love the Lord
And last but foremost: MY REDEEMER LIVES! That is the best and often the last thing on our minds to be thankful for!
I also found this video from Messy Mondays to be a funny, yet very convicting and helpful clip!
So go ahead, I dare you-- Write down a list of things that bug you, and find a way to be thankful for them! Feel free to comment below with some of them too!
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