Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Winter Wasteland Tag / Day 04

Well, my good friend and fellow blogger Rebecca tagged me to participate in this Winter Wasteland Tag. I am rarely ever "bored!" (as my favorite highly-functioning sociopath would say), but here are some things I like to do in the winter, since here in NM there is currently no snow. :'(
  For this tag, you come list 5-10 things you do to beat the winter blues and then tag 5-10 people to carry it on. I don't really know very many bloggers, but we'll give this a go:

  • Write a coded letter to someone. If it's a common code, such as Morse Code, you can make them look it up, instead of writing out a key. (Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!)
  • Knit or crochet something--if you don't know how, then learn! It's lots of fun to be able to make things to give as handmade presents, and to sell. :)
  • Write a poem. It doesn't have to be Shakespeare--just write something to your own rhythm. Maybe even a haiku or a limerick!
  • Write as a fictional character to a friend's fictional character, (preferably set in a different era). I've done this with my cousin: our fictitious characters were sisters during the Revolutionary War, with I in America and she in England. Right now I'm doing a new one with another dear friend of mine, only set right before and running into WWI. Keep it going as long as you can, and see where your characters end up!
  • Have a tea party! It doesn't have to be fancy, you can drink tea out of mugs--just invite some friends (and their moms/little sisters), drink tea, and have some sort of fun dessert. Maybe cookies, or if you want to be more "classic," scones are great too. (Just don't forget the lemon curd!)
I don't know very many bloggers, but you can also participate on Google+ too! So here's my list:

And my G+ers: 
Hannah Yu
Emma Holets
Lara Gourlay and 
Kara Goff

                                                                        ~ ~ ~

Also: Day 04 of my 25 Days of Song:

Day 04 - A Song That Calms You Down
  Hmmm... "Edelweiss" from The Sound Of Music. I sing it as a lullaby to my sister Violet, so it always has a pretty calming effect on me. :)

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