Saturday, January 23, 2016

Treasure Island

Well folks, auditions have been made, a cast has been collected, the script has been printed, and we have now had the READ-THROUGH. This is actually happening. *que excitement*
I'm not gonna lie, I am still kinda in love with Treasure Planet.... which was my only "Treasure Island" until last summer when I read the book and watched the Muppet Treasure Island with a friend. I found my favorite line from Treasure Planet, and I'll let you do with it what you will. It's from the scene where Silver says goodbye to Jim.

Treasure Planets :):

I hope it inspires you to go rattle some stars in your own world this week. :)


Thursday, January 21, 2016

One about Doctor Who

It's true, really.  Even though everyone claims that they are the only individual among the masses, in reality, we're all a huge mess of diversity in the world.  It's absolutely fantastic...:

Lately, I've been watching Doctor Who. I kind of got into it from seeing crossovers between Doctor Who and my favorite series, BBC Sherlock. It is now one of my favorite shows. I'll admit, it's a little really weird, the first "new season" is pretty cheesy, and there are plot holes galore, but I think the thing that brings people in are the relationships. For those of you that have never seen it, the Doctor is a time traveler, and no one really likes to travel alone, so he picks up friends -- companions -- to travel through time and space with him in his TARDIS. (Time And Relative Dimension In Space). Every Doctor has his own quirks, his trademark look, and his own companions, but there are always core elements about his character that never change. He's always so full of wonder at the world around him, (even if he's about to be eaten by aliens). He loves to explore and help people whenever he can. And he always thinks the best of someone--always.
   What did Nine constantly tell Rose? "You're fantastic!"
   And Ten to Donna: "You're brilliant, you are!"
   With time, they really did believe him, and so became so much more than they could've imagined. These two companions were, according to themselves, nobodies. A shop-girl and an office-worker. But travelling with the Doctor changed them. Yeah, they got to see how time works, see the future of the planet and all, but really, if you tell someone they are something, eventually they're going to believe it in the back of their mind, in the depths of their heart. If you tell someone all the time that they will amount to nothing, they'll live up to that. If you tell them they're annoying, you can believe they'll eventually become that. It doesn't have to be verbal. You can tell people with your eyes that you're disappointed in them.
   But what if you told them that they are beautiful? That they are a work of art--God's art--and they're a masterpiece that's in the making? What if you told your sibling, your neighbor, your classmate, your friend who's struggling through life--what if you told them that they are brilliant?
   And what about you? When are you going to start believing that YOU are phenomenal? A beautiful creature made in God's image? What would happen if you really, truly, deep-down-to-your-toes, believed that you are fantastic?

Go ahead, I dare you.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

An Update; A Proposal; and a Writer

Type writer:

Well. Things have been happening. Quite quickly, and quite in abundance. It's been far too long since my last post. The ups and downs of life have continued on, and currently I'm in a rather in-betweenish place.
   To give you a bit of an update on what's happening right now, I am currently the Production Designer for Treasure Island, a show by my local theatre group this spring semester. I have just applied for my first "official" job, a serving position at the St. James Tearoom. (fingers crossed--I've always wanted to work there). I'll be getting my drivers' license in February, and also turning 17.
   I have no deep, theological thoughts for you all tonight, but I've decided to start writing on here more regularly. I might branch out into stage-makeup tutorials, maybe the occasional book review, and hopefully updates as I try to fight my way through my first full book draft. Here's to 2016, readers. I shall leave you with a newly-discovered quote:

A writer and nothing else: a man alone in a room
with the English language,
trying to get human feelings right.
~ John K. Hutchens