Well. Things have been happening. Quite quickly, and quite in abundance. It's been far too long since my last post. The ups and downs of life have continued on, and currently I'm in a rather in-betweenish place.
To give you a bit of an update on what's happening right now, I am currently the Production Designer for Treasure Island, a show by my local theatre group this spring semester. I have just applied for my first "official" job, a serving position at the St. James Tearoom. (fingers crossed--I've always wanted to work there). I'll be getting my drivers' license in February, and also turning 17.
I have no deep, theological thoughts for you all tonight, but I've decided to start writing on here more regularly. I might branch out into stage-makeup tutorials, maybe the occasional book review, and hopefully updates as I try to fight my way through my first full book draft. Here's to 2016, readers. I shall leave you with a newly-discovered quote:
A writer and nothing else: a man alone in a room
with the English language,
trying to get human feelings right.
~ John K. Hutchens
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