Thursday, February 4, 2016


Paladeinia; when something is both wonderful and terrible. In two words: growing up. Last year when I turned sixteen, surrounded by family and friends, it didn't seem like that much of a leap. It was just like fifteen--but better. Now as I'm approaching seventeen I find myself becoming ... Resigned? Afraid?
  In the last week I have passed my test and received my driver's license, driven with my brother without adult supervision, had my first job interview and just got called back for a job-shadowing, which I will be doing tomorrow. I feel so grown-up, (which perhaps shows my immaturity). 

  January did not feel much like a new year to me--(maybe because I was sick most of the month??) But February--this feels like the beginning of a really, really great story. One that may not be cheerful and hunky-dory all the way through, but doesn't quit until you get to the good ending, the kind that leaves you thoughtful. So look out 2016! We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but you haven't beaten me yet. 


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