Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Where the Highway Bends

There's a Francesca Battistelli song that goes something like this:

I don't know where the story ends,
But I'll be alright cause You wrote it
And I don't know where the highway bends but I'm doin' just fine--
You're in control, even when I don't know
Where my life's gonna go
You're keeping me guessing...

That's about where I am right now. The Tearoom just contacted me today--I didn't get the job. I really wanted (and needed) that job, so I'm not quite sure where I'll end up going from here. Oh well, I breathe, God obviously has other plans for me. 
   I may be facing some other changes soon, too. I don't know what's going to happen, but I know God's got me where He wants me. Right now I'm up against a steep challenge I've never had to face before, but God has given me a hope to carry me through. (Fantastic friends and the best family ever help with that a lot too. 😉 )
   Keep on keeping on, readers. I challenge you this week to focus on one small good thing that happened to you this week--maybe someone let you cut in front of them when you almost missed your turn, maybe you found a cool verse you've never read before. Comment with your happy thing, and know that God put it there just to bless you as your highway bends. 


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